(by Lights Out Studio, Created on 05th January 2022)

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Hey there,

For everyone who’s landed on this page, it’s a huge thank you to whoever sent you this link. Spreading this to more people is what we endeavor to do. There is far lesser content available on building & scaling products in the Indian Context (in comparison to the west) and as a studio, we are keen to balance the scales.

(Disclaimer: This entire discovery & discussion is in the context of direct-to-consumer (e-commerce) & consumer-tech (mobile apps) businesses in India)

So what is a 1-100 product journey?

When you are building a brand new product, that’s 0-1 journey, it’s governed by a few key tenets:

a) Identifying market gaps

b) Finding PMF (product-market-fit)

c) Rapid prototyping to MVP

d) Test, launch, build traction, feedback, iterate

e) Establishing PMF

f) Monetise

It’s traction and largely PMF that the product is wired to attract. It’s after you’ve grossed in your first million in revenue is when you start to build depth for retention, community, and scale.

Those are hallmarks of the 1-100 journeys.